cable box watching you

Google Wants to Track what you watch on tv

Google recently filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) stating that there is too much privacy afforded television watchers, and they want to be able to collect more information about users (it is assumed they want your information so they can advertise to you).tv is watching you spying

However, many people do not want to give up their privacy, including us here at
“It’s outrageous that as Google expands the data it collects for targeting video advertising, it opposes having the FCC ensure through stronger rules that set-top boxes … can actually protect consumer privacy,” says Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. In a statement, Chester argues Google’s comment here “is nothing short of a new digital data power grab by the country’s leading digital marketing company.”
If you’ve ever wondered whether people (the government or the cable company) know what you watch late at night on cable tv, then the answer is typically “they don’t know”. But Google wants to know what you watch. And you should be bothered by this like we are. Privacy rights in America are slowly being eroded away by technology and laxed rules and regulations for big corporations. At some point we have to continue to draw a line in the sand and say “no” to the invasion of our personal privacy at home.