Facial Recognition

Google Wants to Track what you watch on tv

Google recently filed a petition with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) stating that there is too much privacy afforded television watchers, and they want to be able to collect more information about users (it is assumed they want your information so they can advertise to you).tv is watching you spying

However, many people do not want to give up their privacy, including us here at PrivacyLiving.com.
“It’s outrageous that as Google expands the data it collects for targeting video advertising, it opposes having the FCC ensure through stronger rules that set-top boxes … can actually protect consumer privacy,” says Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy. In a statement, Chester argues Google’s comment here “is nothing short of a new digital data power grab by the country’s leading digital marketing company.”
If you’ve ever wondered whether people (the government or the cable company) know what you watch late at night on cable tv, then the answer is typically “they don’t know”. But Google wants to know what you watch. And you should be bothered by this like we are. Privacy rights in America are slowly being eroded away by technology and laxed rules and regulations for big corporations. At some point we have to continue to draw a line in the sand and say “no” to the invasion of our personal privacy at home.

How to avoid Getting Searched at the Border

The 4th Amendment at US Border Crossings (Part 2)
In part 1 of this series we discussed your actual rights when entering the US.  If you haven’t read part 1 check it out here http://privacyliving.com/2016/03/14/the-4th-amendment-at-us-border-crossings/
This is a series.  So once again, sharing gets the next one published quicker.  Thanks for your support.
Now we get to the point of what will happen in the worst case event that you are detained and searched at a border crossing.  But first, let me just clue you in on what leads up to you getting singled out while everyone else keeps moving.  First of all you should always look the part when crossing the border.  When you show the agent your passport you will be asked what you were doing in that country you are coming from.  The answer you give should fit the way you are dressed and smell.  If you were there on business, you should be cleaned up and look business like.  If you were on vacation, you should have some bags that would look like what is needed for the length of your stay.  You should not smell bad in any instance.  Standing out from the herd is what gets a second look.
Secondly, when you meet the officer at the border you should already know you are going to be asked to show your passport.  You should have that ready to show and be ready to answer some simple questions.  How long were you there?  What was the purpose of your visit?  Are you a US citizen?  That last one gets a lot of people detained for no reason other than they think they “know their rights”.  If it is possible to answer “yes” or “no” to a question, do it.  The officer has thousands of people to talk to and doesn’t need to hear your explanation.  When you start explaining things you give the officials more time to inspect you and it is a pretty good rule of thumb for the officers that when you start babbling about some nonsense they should suspect criminal activity is afoot.  Show your passport, give short answers, and look the part.  That is the best way to avoid even being searched.
There is one other problem you may face.  They know who you are.  Ignorant people like to pretend we are living in the 19th century and technology is limited to how fast they can chase you down.  It’s not like that.  If this is not your first rodeo, you may as well be adhering to the letter of the law because there is a good chance you will be singled out.  If you have ever been caught up in the drug industry or anything involving human trafficking, I suggest you find a new career.  Even if your past problems were in some town hundreds of miles from the border you are known in the secret data base.  By the time you make it to the border guard your face has already been analyzed by facial recognition software that identifies you.  You are then run through a secret data base and you are toast.  Once again, if you have a history don’t try to do anything stupid.  You shouldn’t be doing shady things even if you haven’t been in the mix before.  Take your vacations and enjoy yourself but don’t think everything you dream up to try hasn’t already been tried.  The border agents are professionals.  The alleged “professional” smuggler is not a real person.  Anybody who does it will be caught eventually.  So please understand, this article is about a law abiding citizen avoiding being searched for unnecessary reasons.
When you get detained and searched, you are at the mercy of your captors.  Being friendly will not necessarily help you or speed anything up but I can guarantee you that being rude and obnoxious will make things bad for you. I have much more to advise you on, but that’s all for today.  Part 3 is coming soon.

Local Police Using Video Surveillance

More frequently, local police (even small police departments) in the US are using surveillance footage from stores and parking lots to track down individuals who are accused of crimes. While some of the crimes are heartbreaking and sad, it’s just as sad and disturbing that the average person is being surveilled. Welcome to 1984! Do you feel safer? I don’t…


surveillance cameras

Facial Recognition Is Being Used At Stores Near You

Did you know stores like Wal-Mart are already using facial recognition on customers like you? If you live near a larger city or you frequent larger chain stores like Wal-Mart, your face is probably already in a database somewhere. But what’s really frightening is not that your local Wal-Mart has your face in a data base – it’s what may happen in the future with your data. And I don’t recall being notified by the store that my face was being photographed and catalogued. Hmm….welcome to the dystopian future of 1984!

facial recognition

Read more at The Hill: http://thehill.com/policy/technology/273489-business-eyes-facial-recognition-guidelines