FBI And DHS Warn Of Electrical Grid Terrorism

Despite the fact that the FBI and DHS in the United States have downplayed concerns over terrorists potentially targeting the electrical grid, a terrorist scenario that has been greatly underestimated by most, a nationwide campaign of briefings and webinars “warning” power industry players of potential threats has been undertaken.lights in US from space orbit

“It is only a matter of the ‘when,’ not the ‘if’—we’re going to see a nation-state, group, or actor engage in destructive behavior against critical infrastructure in the United States,” Rogers, who is also director of the National Security Agency, said in a speech March 2. – The Washington Free Beacon

While you may have considered the possibility for terrorism through our electric grid, the fact that our leaders are actively discussing this possibility with industry professionals is shocking. Essentially, terrorism against the electric grid means a power shutdown. If these shutdowns happen in short increments, they are only considered an inconvenience or annoyance. But if the grid goes down for days or weeks, pandemonium can set in and lives can be threatened, dependent upon how long the black out happens. Don’t think it can happen? Do a google search for “Hurricane Sandy blackout”. When the power goes out for days, bad things happen!

Blog about what happens from first hour to 7 days after the breakdown of the electrical grid. http://www.realworldsurvivor.com/2015/08/25/power-outages-blackouts-how-the-world-could-change-in-7-days/#lights-off-how-the-world-could-change-in-7-days-18

Another blog on power outage by Privacyliving.com: https://privacyliving.com/tag/hurricane-sandy/

hurricane sandy power outage



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